Tuesday 26 March 2013

Two post Tuesday! No1

Well! I didn't get chance to post yesterday as it was manic in the hickling/kirkley household!

I did manage to do the work i set myself, which was to look at my possible career path, tidy and clean my front room and have my last mac Donalds breakfast!

To start with the easiest one the mac Donalds breakfast. I love them... Bacon roll meal with a hot chocolate and 2 hash browns.  The idea was before I start my complete overhaul week I give myself one last treat.

Ok so after my MacD I headed home to my laptop where I researched possible routes into my chosen career path.  I am originally from a hotel background, mainly front of house and event planning.  I then set up on my own but have found the process very difficult as I split with my partner last April and I have also been very ill.  

A while ago after my son was diagnosed with high functioning Autism and after 5yrs of suffering with depression I figured out that I would like to help people that have been through similar experiences and I was  also interested in how the mind works when dealing with traumatic events.  

So what were my options?? I had thought about clinical psychology or educational psychology but then I read about play therapy.  Play therapy uses the art of play with both children and some adults to get them to open up or express their emotions, needs or wants.  I think this is something that would really interest me as would like work predominantly with children. 

So the next step was to look into how I become a play therapist and all routes start out the same way - A degree in psychology and then specialised training, taking up to 7 years.  I am OK. with that and found a course through open university to study at home and at my own speed. Now I am putting together a career folder with all the print outs from +British Psychological Society and +The Open University.  This folder will help keep me focused on the important things I need to achieve and put together.

Finally I hit my front room!!! I "surface" cleaned and I sorted through my DVD and tided the cabinet  here are a couple of before shots :) 


and my after shot will appear on my next post!! 

I was very pleased with my progress but now I have to keep a schedule and I want to try and put a plan in place.  People with autism are really good at following schedules and routines so I am hoping that this new way of life will benefit my son in so many ways.

I hope you have enjoyed reading today and I will be back soon x 

Saturday 23 March 2013

Saturday Chill Out

So I am sat writing this in the dark as we are supporting the WWF Earth Hour from half eight.  I am all snug in my dressing gown a glass of Orange juice and ready to entertain you in my weekly chill out blog :) 

So to sum up my mummsy week... parents evening, school trip, new bed delivered and snow; lots of snow!

Two things happened to me this week that shall we say annoyed me just a little.  

The first was while sitting on  a bus a man was telling the lady sat next to him how great his job was, only to spend the following 5 mins complaining about the hours, the travel cost and how basically the job didn't suit his lifestyle!?! Was I missing something?? surely you don't accept a job in the first place if you can't commit to what they want (he made it sound like a fairly new role).

The second was a fashion thing :) Now I do not claim in anyway to be a fashion guru, but... to wear black footless tights (the ones that you can see through too) with a short top (did not cover her bum) and wear a white G string, well that was just wrong and if offended me a little lol!!!

Here are a few funny pictures I have posted on my two facebook pages;  the life and times of Izzie Shepard and When life gets you down just laugh this week.

Me and wine have a beautiful friendship!

I have been caught a few times!!

No caption needed LOL!

this actually made me laugh at home alone!

My quotes of the day, I love them and they give me and hopefully some of my friends some inspiration

I made this myself, I have not posted it as it is personal
I am very proud at my first attempt lol 

The notebook, my favorite chick flick ever!

I am currently reading a book called "You had me at Hello" by Mahiri McFarlane, it is not the type of book I read but a friend picked it up as she said it was just like my boyfriend and myself! It is becoming a good, light hearted read and I do see the similarities.  The book is definitely worth a read if you like chick Lit

Well I bid you good night now and I will speak to you all again tomorrow with my Sunday review.  Please feel free to ask me any questions or share my blog with your friends

Goodnight xx

Friday 22 March 2013

Time 4 Change

I have several blogs, partly because my brain has so much going off in it I need an outlet and also because as I intend to make my life better I would like to try and help others along the way.

So this blog "time 4 change" is exactly that; a blog that plots out my changes, that's sets out my goals and acts as a motivational tool to help achieve them whilst maybe giving you some ideas along the way.  The background of this blog is a blank sheet of paper, purely because that is how I am seeing my life, as a blank canvas on which I an mold a new life.

I have looked at others blogs and taken from them ideas of what I want to achieve.  I have adapted methods to suit myself and my family; this allows me to make my own choices mistakes and achievements without blaming others (and the internet!).

So... They say that long term goals set should be broken down into bite sized chunks to allow for continued success and to aid motivation.  For my total life overhaul there are several areas I would like to improve:

  1. Money
  2. Family/home making
  3. Health
  4. Relationships
  5. Career
With each I have a long term goal

  1. To be financially independent, debt free and in control
  2. To be organised and happy in my home life, setting good examples for my children
  3. To be healthy, active and to feel an look good
  4. To be happy with the relationships I have
  5. Work within a field that I enjoy, whilst helping others
So here we go!! I intend to blog each day, and each day covering a different area and allowing for a weekly round up and a fun day too!!!  Hope you enjoy reading and please don't forget if you love me +1 me, follow me and tell your friends :) xx